Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Prize Winner!

by Eleanor Hendriks

I was just thrilled two weekends ago to be the lucky recipient of The Best in Show Award at the Northumberland Potters Guild Annual Sale! This piece, one of my Milkweed Pod Jars, was the one that did it for me...

It sure feels good to be recognized for work you love by pottery peers at a time of year when all that seems to be important about your art is it's dollar value. The cash prize that comes with winning doesn't hurt either...

So thank you to the Guild and the Juror for lovely boost!


  1. congratulations, beautiful piece.

  2. Very nice. I think it won for good reason.

  3. Your work is so lovely. Is there another way besides through et sy to purchase your pieces? They are so inspiring.

  4. Congrads. The piece is very lovely. I love how it's smooth but also angular (the pod in center). It makes for a wonderful contrast.

  5. really nice piece...
